
  • Add it to your inputs.

  • Call the mkRefOutput function from lib


  description = "Your flake package description"; # optional

  inputs.dsf.url            = "github:cruel-intentions/devshell-files";  # optional
  inputs.flakeNimbleLib.url = "github:riinr/nim-flakes-lib";
  inputs.nixpkgs.url        = "github:nixos/nixpkgs";

  inputs.dsf.inputs.nixpkgs.follows            = "nixpkgs";              # optional
  inputs.flakeNimbleLib.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

  outputs = inputs:
    inputs.flakeNimbleLib.lib.mkRefOutput {
      nixpkgs = inputs.nixpkgs;
      self    = inputs.self;
      src     = ./.;                                                     # source could be an input also
      meta.ref     = "master";
      meta.version = "0.1.0";    = "my_package_name";
      meta.desc    = "My package description";

    # optional
    # use devshell to configure your dev environment
    //    # merge objects: `{ a = "a"; } // { b = "b"; }` == `{ a = "a"; b = "b"; }`
        ${inputs.flakeNimbleLib}/modules/nimcfg-files.nix                # helper to create cfg files
        ./nix/project.nix                                                # your devshell configs

Add this as flake.nix in your repository then run nix flake show, it display what packages this libs generates for you. Currently only defaultPackage and src package, but in future we're planning to add musl and cosmopolitan packages, and maybe some other archs.

To build defaultPackage run nix build, it compiles your project to result/bin/my_package_name